


an idler or lounger.

“For the perfect flâneur, for the passionate spectator, it is an immense joy to set up house in the heart of the multitude, amid the ebb and flow of movement, in the midst of the fugitive and the infinite.” – Charles Baudelaire

One of the first questions I’m always asked is, “What type of photographer are you?”

My answer is simple: I am a “people photographer”

Ever since I can remember, I have enjoyed observing people’s actions; my passion is to capture that organic moment when a person is completely honest with their emotions; my immense joy is to deliver a moment in a photograph to my subjects.

Some may call it luck – I call it paying attention, and being ready for that moment.

How does one prepare to capture the moment?

Here’s a list of what I like to do to prepare:

  • Introduction – I have learned, and I try my best to always meet with my clients face to face prior to a shoot. I like to sit down at a coffee shop and talk about what is anticipated for the shoot – dislikes, and likes. That gives me an opportunity to answer any questions my client may have. It not only helps break the ice, but it gives a chance for my clients to know me, and I them. This creates an environment where the person feels more comfortable with me, and feels free to express him/her self around the camera.
  • Intuition – Once you have a bit of knowledge of what/ who you’re shooting, it’s easier to become more intuitive. This also goes hand in hand with paying attention – have your camera ready if you feel something  great is about to happen. Be patient. Resist the temptation to shoot too much – this may distract you from shooting that decisive moment.
  • Placement – After positioning my subject, if necessary, I like to focus on where I want to position myself. Part of making an image stand out is having a great background. This will make that captured moment “pop”. I try to avoid distracting backgrounds that will deviate from the attention and clarity from the “moment”. Another tip for placing yourself in a good position is: closer is not always better – there are beautiful scenes that will enhance a photo.  Sometimes it’s best to position yourself in different angels to add that oomph to your image.


Overall, one bit of advise I like to give everyone is “practice with patience”If you have patience, your mind will be clearer and focused; if you practice, you will develop a good eye for photography, and capturing the moment will come naturally.


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